Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well everyone I am officially a college graduate! I have an Associates of Applied Science in Nursing! Last Friday (May 6th!) I graduated nursing school and got pinned as a nurse! It's still hard to believe that it's over! I have so much free time I don't know how to spend it! I am anxiously awaiting a letter stating that I can register for state boards. After I pass those it's off to the real world! I'm really looking forward to working. My clinical manager and floor director actually came to my pinning and brought me a gift. I was really touched by that and I think it's going to be great to work for them!
My pin!

Dr. West-Sands pinning me!

My badge reel!  How cute is that?  From my BFF!

I also got a great graduation gift/ mothers day present from the future hubby! 

Yes the fuel economy isn't the best!  But, I love how much room we have in it!  I like being up high where I can see everything! 

So on a money saving note, I have become obsessed with extreme couponing!  I love that show!  It's amazing to me how they can have six carts full and not pay a cent for it!  I don't want to be that extreme but I could definitely handle saving some money!  So if you have any coupon tips please send them my way! 

I hope the rest of your weekend is fabulous!


  1. LOVE the new ride!! I recently traded my Armada for a Honda Odyssey and I miss my Armada at times.. I loved being so high off the ground. I am 5ft tall so I don't get to be bigger than other folks often! lol. Congrats on the new job!!! :-)

  2. Yay! :) Glad you got an awesome graduation present! And I can't wait for you to start your new job and hear all about it!!! YAY!!!!!! :) :)


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