Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well everyone I am officially a college graduate! I have an Associates of Applied Science in Nursing! Last Friday (May 6th!) I graduated nursing school and got pinned as a nurse! It's still hard to believe that it's over! I have so much free time I don't know how to spend it! I am anxiously awaiting a letter stating that I can register for state boards. After I pass those it's off to the real world! I'm really looking forward to working. My clinical manager and floor director actually came to my pinning and brought me a gift. I was really touched by that and I think it's going to be great to work for them!
My pin!

Dr. West-Sands pinning me!

My badge reel!  How cute is that?  From my BFF!

I also got a great graduation gift/ mothers day present from the future hubby! 

Yes the fuel economy isn't the best!  But, I love how much room we have in it!  I like being up high where I can see everything! 

So on a money saving note, I have become obsessed with extreme couponing!  I love that show!  It's amazing to me how they can have six carts full and not pay a cent for it!  I don't want to be that extreme but I could definitely handle saving some money!  So if you have any coupon tips please send them my way! 

I hope the rest of your weekend is fabulous!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I am officially going to be a cardiac nurse! I received a job offer this afternoon and happily accepted!

On the downside I just got home from taking Little Man to the doctor....he has strep throat! He got some good antibiotics and should be better in no time!

Hope everyone has a great night!

Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless America

Happy Monday! I hope everyone's Monday has been fabulous!

Let's start off with the news of Osama bin Laden's death. This is a huge victory for the United States! We never gave up the fight for justice for those victims of 9/11. The war is far from over. I hope and pray that there is no retaliation from Al Qaeda. I am proud to be an American. God bless this nation and all the brave men and women who put their lives on the line so that we may sleep in peace at night. I hope that the victims of 9/11 and their families finally have some peace and closure.

And it's finally here! This is GRADUATION week! I finally graduate nursing school on Friday! This has been such an amazing journey, but I'm ready for a break! I had an interview last Friday for a position on a cardiac unit! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get a job offer this week!

I hope you've all had a wonderful Monday! Now we are just four short days away from Friday!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Finally Friday!!

Happy Friday everyone! Not only is it Friday it is Good Friday! My Friday has been excellent! It started out with my going and getting my hair done! It's now a little shorter and a little blonder!
I'm trying to get ready for summer! This Friday also marks the two weeks until I graduate from nursing school! I can not begin to tell you how incredible it feels to say that!

We are about to load up and head to the future mother-in-laws house! We are going to cook out and ride horses! I have loved horses since I was a child! They are so gorgeous and smart. They are truly wonderful animals! One day I would love to own a Clydesdale!

On another note I am absolutely no longer allowed to buy those King's Hawaiian rolls! They are just too good I can't stay away from them! I could seriously eat like twelve in a sitting! Yum-o! So the easiest way to avoid temptation is to just not buy them!

Well, I hope you have a fabulous weekend! I think it's supposed to rain for the rest of our Easter weekend so we will probably be hunting eggs inside! Please continue to remember Holly Bobo and her family in your thoughts and prayers as she is still missing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Searching for Holly

Well, it has been a week since 20 year old Holly Bobo, a nursing student from Decatur, Tn, was abducted. No one is losing hope and volunteers are still showing up in the hundreds to help look for any sign of the young girl. Today my BFF over at Boots&Pearls and I went to help search.  It's hard to watch this girls parents crying on television and begging for anyone to come help them and do nothing.  After the hour and a half ride to Decatur county we were briefed and taken to the area to search.  It was cold and raining but it did not stop the over two hundred volunteers from combing the area looking for any sign of Holly.  Please remember Holly and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  Pray she is brought home safe to her family.  Have a great night!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Happy Tuesday everyone! I love Tuesdays! It means that dreaded Monday has come and gone and now we are well on our way to another wonderful weekend! I hope you had a fabulous weekend last weekend! Sunday we stayed out all night riding four wheelers, cooking out, and enjoying time with family!

Yesterday was my last lecture of nursing school! Also, one of the local hospitals came and brought us lunch and told us why we should all come to work for their company! Luckily, it is the hospital I am interested in working at. I've applied for every job that has come open I think, and I was getting worried that I have not even gotten an interview. My worries were laid to rest when they said they haven't begun interviewing new graduates yet, but not to worry they had the positions available for us to fill! I am so excited to begin my new career!

So I'm going to a bridal shower next Monday! And I wanted to do something a little different for a gift. I found this thing online called a towel cake! So that's what I decided to do! The whole thing is made of towels and I'm going to put it on a cute serving platter! I'm so excited and I think the bride to be will just love it! After all you can never have too many towels!
The towel cake I made!

Well I guess that's all I've got for today! It's time for me to run and pick up Little Man from preschool! Please continue to remember Holly Bobo in your thoughts and prayers as she is still missing.

"In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed!"

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday everyone! It's a gorgeous day in West Tennessee today! The sun is shining and it's a nice 70 degrees outside! I hope it's just as beautiful wherever you are reading this from!

Last night we took Little Man to see Rio! If you have children I highly recommend you see this movie! It's full of bright colors and singing and dancing! It is sure to be a hit with your little one!

Well, we are about to load up the four wheeler and head to the farm to enjoy this beautiful day! Please remember Holly Bobo and her family in your prayers as she is still missing. Have a great day!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Praying for Holly....

Holly Bobo is a gorgeous 20 year old nursing student from Decatur County Tennessee. She was taken from her home by a man wearing camouflage three days ago while trying to leave for school. Investigators and over 1,100 volunteers have been combing the woods trying to find her. Yesterday they found her lunchbox and they believe she is trying to create a trail. Please take a moment to pray that Holly is returned home safe to her family, for the safety of all the volunteers and police, and that justice be brought to her abductor. She is twenty years old, 5ft 3in tall, and weighs about 110 pounds. If you live in the West Tn area and you see anything suspicious or anyone who looks like Holly please call 911. She was last seen wearing blue jeans and a pink shirt!

Welcome back!

Wow! It has been a super long time since I have blogged! Let me fill you in on what has been going on! First of all my last semester of nursing school is almost finished! It's been a crazy two years, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Nursing school has become such a huge part of my life. And while I am excited to go on and start my new career, I'm also a little bit sad. First of all I'm going crazy waiting on a perspective employer to call me for an interview! I've made some amazing friends in nursing school and I've gotten used to seeing them all of the time! It's going to be weird not seeing those people every day! It honestly feels like just yesterday I was sitting in freshman orientation with a deer in the headlights look on my face! Now, I have finished my last clinical and I'm less than three weeks away from being pinned as a graduate nurse! I can not wait to pass my boards and finally become Hillary Canaday, RN!

My invitations!

Other than school the rest of my life has continued on as normal. Little Man turned three years old in March! I can not believe how quickly the time has passed! I thank God for blessing me with him daily! We added a new member to our family, Little Man bought him for his birthday, his name is Rampage and he is a guinea pig!  Little Man is now completely potty trained!  So no more diapers!  Maybe I should change the name of my blog to Stethoscopes & Big Boy Underwear!  Ha!  I think I'll leave it like it is!

Carson and Rampage

Thank you so much for continuing to follow my blog!  I want to continue to blog and not take any more extended breaks!  I want to blog about the transition from student nurse, to graduate nurse, to Registered Nurse!  Hopefully I will also be blogging about starting a new job!  So stay tuned because it's going to get interesting!  And I leave you with some snap shots of Little Man's latest fishing trip!  Have a great day!
Little Man fishing!
Little Man's fish!