Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Happy Tuesday everyone! I love Tuesdays! It means that dreaded Monday has come and gone and now we are well on our way to another wonderful weekend! I hope you had a fabulous weekend last weekend! Sunday we stayed out all night riding four wheelers, cooking out, and enjoying time with family!

Yesterday was my last lecture of nursing school! Also, one of the local hospitals came and brought us lunch and told us why we should all come to work for their company! Luckily, it is the hospital I am interested in working at. I've applied for every job that has come open I think, and I was getting worried that I have not even gotten an interview. My worries were laid to rest when they said they haven't begun interviewing new graduates yet, but not to worry they had the positions available for us to fill! I am so excited to begin my new career!

So I'm going to a bridal shower next Monday! And I wanted to do something a little different for a gift. I found this thing online called a towel cake! So that's what I decided to do! The whole thing is made of towels and I'm going to put it on a cute serving platter! I'm so excited and I think the bride to be will just love it! After all you can never have too many towels!
The towel cake I made!

Well I guess that's all I've got for today! It's time for me to run and pick up Little Man from preschool! Please continue to remember Holly Bobo in your thoughts and prayers as she is still missing.

"In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed!"


  1. wooohoooo..your last nursing school lecture!!!! What a feeling of relief! It gets even better after you pass your boards...then you will not know what to do with all the time on your hands lol ;)Congrats girl, looking forward to when you post about your new job!

  2. LOVE the towel cake idea!!! Won't be too much longer and school will be over!! Congrats!!


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