Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sirens and Studying

If you live in certain parts of Tennessee you become accustomed to tornadoes. It's something you've dealt with every year when the weather starts to cool off. I've always been afraid of storms, which is something my dad ingrained in me from an early age. I remember plenty of times being woken up from a deep sleep by my dad saying "sirens are going off we've got to go". We'd rush over to my neighbors house and hide out in the basement until the storms have passed. We've always escaped major damage but others haven't been so lucky. I had plans today of taking little man to preschool and coming home and studying in the peace and quiet. However, when I woke up and turned on the tv I saw we were under a tornado watch for most of the day. Needless to say little man stayed at home with me. Right now most of the counties surrounding me are under a tornado warning. We're in the clear right now but still remain under a tornado watch. I managed to step out and grab a couple shots of an ominous looking cloud right before the bottom dropped out and it started raining cats and dogs!

I have a huge test to study for on Monday but for now I'm going to keep an eye out on the weather!  Here are some more pictures of little man and our pets for your viewing pleasure! 

Little Man

The newest addition Mac
Lizzie Bell


  1. Those clouds look AWFUL! I tried to get a picture out of the basement window but it didn't show up! It's died down a little here...for now!

  2. So frightening! We actually had a tornado touchdown a few miles from our home Sunday night. It was just a small one and very low on the scale, but super strange for Alabama!


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