Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fitness Kick

So for some reason yesterday the future hubby got on a fitness kick. At first he asked me to start doing sit ups and push ups with him every night. I agreed and informed him we really need to add some cardio in our workouts also! Then he decided we needed a weight bench and we ended up with this....

Now, I've never been super skinny.  But I was quite a bit smaller before I got pregnant and had Little Man!  I'm really looking forward to getting in shape.  Little Man is almost three so I think I should stop using the "I had a baby" excuse!  So future hubby and I are going to start walking at the park every day and doing some weight training.  I think this will be good for Little Man too!  I really need some healthy recipes so feel free to share!  And hopefully this blog can also be my fitness diary!


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